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Kuan Tsae Huang

Kuan Tsae Huang

Aztrong Inc., USA

Title: Graphene battery: Impact on electrical vehicles and grid storage


Biography: Kuan Tsae Huang


We expect that the graphene batteries will be the market leader for energy storage market in 2020. With the emergence of smart mobile devices (MD), electric vehicles (EV), and grid and distributed energy (G&DE), the world is moving rapidly towards a more connected and more sustainable place. Recent merge between Tesla and Solar City is an example. All these advances hinge upon the development of next generation of energy storage technologies that can deliver high energy and power densities at a low cost (i.e. $150/kWh) and high safety. Graphene has emerged as important candidate for electrode materials in lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) due to their unique physical properties. A review on the current state-of-the-art and most recent advances in graphene-containing nanocomposite electrodes and their derivatives will be provided along with the synthetic routes of their electrochemical performance in LIBs will be discussed. More importantly, the limitations of graphene related materials for energy storage applications will be highlighted, with an emphasis on anode and cathode materials. Several directions for near future R&D will be discussed. AzTrong is a leading production equipment supplier of high quality functional GO/rGO (ink, powder, slurry, film) for various applications & solutions. The author will share his experiences in graphene battery, graphene mass production as well as commercialization for energy storage and other applications.